Getting into 'the zone' with HeartMath

The Heart Field
Would you like to activate a state of peace invisibly, in the office, board room, classroom, the sportsfield or when the children are taking over the house and you just can't keep up?
Safaya's training has been with the HeartMath system providing one-to-one sessions which demonstrate biofeedback via computer software to monitor Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and coherence - the right combination of which produces the state of being 'in the zone'.
Safaya's training has been with the HeartMath system providing one-to-one sessions which demonstrate biofeedback via computer software to monitor Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and coherence - the right combination of which produces the state of being 'in the zone'.
Safaya offers one-to-one sessions to achieve this state of peaceful readiness at will.
Whatever your situation, HeartMath is particularly useful for all clients wishing to achieve, test and monitor their progress as their state and degree of coherence and well-being improves. Practice makes perfect!
Whatever your situation, HeartMath is particularly useful for all clients wishing to achieve, test and monitor their progress as their state and degree of coherence and well-being improves. Practice makes perfect!
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Graphic Brain Field
Scientific research has shown, beyond any doubt, that the Heart has the largest area of influence in the body. The electromagnetic field reaching out from the heart can be measured at between eight and twenty two feet in all directions.
Sports and business clients alike have benefitted from this type of training and internationally acclaimed golfers Ian Woosnam, Tiger Woods and top coaches have also revealed that it was a major contributor to their success. See Article 1
The system has been used in schools and major organisations across the globe to great effect. If you have a special interest and want to know how it could enhance your performance at work, in the home, classroom, or on the sportsfield then contact me to make an appointment.
Safaya is available for one to one sessions at Cheltenham, Nailsworth, Bath, and other places by arrangement
Sports and business clients alike have benefitted from this type of training and internationally acclaimed golfers Ian Woosnam, Tiger Woods and top coaches have also revealed that it was a major contributor to their success. See Article 1
The system has been used in schools and major organisations across the globe to great effect. If you have a special interest and want to know how it could enhance your performance at work, in the home, classroom, or on the sportsfield then contact me to make an appointment.
Safaya is available for one to one sessions at Cheltenham, Nailsworth, Bath, and other places by arrangement
An example of changes in Heart Rythms with changing emotions

Every thought has a biological impact on the body and emotions influence our heart rhythms. The slide on the left shows a client feeling frustration at trying to achieve an impossible task (without knowing it was impossible) on the upper view, and the same client having been shown appreciation for trying to do this on the lower view. The feeling of Frustration caused a chaotic heart rhythm pattern and the feeling of Appreciation showed a coherent heart rhythm.
Scientific research has also shown that the Heart reacts to stimulus before the brain and that it is possible to engage the heart signals to achieve a state of total coherence; where the heart entrains the organs and systems of the body to its rhythm enabling a state of calm readiness, the physical state we know as 'being in the zone'. “The nervous system within the heart (“the heart brain”) enables it to learn, remember, and make functional decisions independent of the brain’s cerebral cortex.”
See Article 2
There is a huge body of research to help you identify your needs and answer your questions.
contact Safaya by email or phone 01453 860706 to discuss your situation.
Scientific research has also shown that the Heart reacts to stimulus before the brain and that it is possible to engage the heart signals to achieve a state of total coherence; where the heart entrains the organs and systems of the body to its rhythm enabling a state of calm readiness, the physical state we know as 'being in the zone'. “The nervous system within the heart (“the heart brain”) enables it to learn, remember, and make functional decisions independent of the brain’s cerebral cortex.”
See Article 2
There is a huge body of research to help you identify your needs and answer your questions.
contact Safaya by email or phone 01453 860706 to discuss your situation.