EFT is a truly universal healing aid, and can be applied to almost every health and performance issue clearing away blocks to your well-being and success. Below are a few examples.
Anger Management
Allergies Depression Fears and Phobias Food Cravings and Addictions Improving self image Exam and interview fears Pain |
Grief and Loss
Guilt Goal Setting Insomnia Recurrent negative emotions Trauma Troubling memories Tinnitus |
If you suffer from any of the above then use the quick guide below to help you get started.
While working on your own can, with practice, bring great benefits, it's always better to work on serious issues with a qualified practitioner.
If you're thinking of Booking a Consultation and don't know what to expect then please click here or contact me direct to discuss your needs.
While working on your own can, with practice, bring great benefits, it's always better to work on serious issues with a qualified practitioner.
If you're thinking of Booking a Consultation and don't know what to expect then please click here or contact me direct to discuss your needs.
I offer a FREE 20 minute phone session prior to your first appointment to discuss your needs
I look forward to hearing from you and showing you how to tap into the power at your fingertips!
Safaya is available for one to one sessions by phone or Zoom world-wide.
I look forward to hearing from you and showing you how to tap into the power at your fingertips!
Safaya is available for one to one sessions by phone or Zoom world-wide.
Setting up phrase: While tapping on the Karate Chop point (side/edge of hand). ‘Even though…(insert the problem or issue here)…… ……I deeply and completely love and accept myself’ x 3 Then tap through the points as follows. Use the drawing on the left hand side of the page to help you identify the points. As new emotions surface then use the word that describes the emotion as you tap e.g anger, fear, anxiety, jealousy etc Top of Head Eye Brow Side of Eye Under Eye Under Nose Under Lip Collar Bone Under Arm Thumb Index finger Middle Finger Ring Finger Little FInger |
NB While EFT has produced remarkable clinical results, it must still be considered to be in the experimental stage and practitioners and the public must take complete responsibility for their use of it. Further, Safaya Salter is not a licensed health professional and offers EFT as a personal performance coach. Please consult qualified health practitioners regarding your use of EFT.